AQAR PART B (Criterion I) : Curricular Aspects
1.1.1 – The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning, delivery, and evaluation through a well-defined process as prescribed by the respective regulatory councils and the affiliating University.
1.1.2 – Number of full-time teachers participating in BoS /Academic Council of Universities during the year. (Restrict data to BoS /Academic Council only)
1.2.1 – Number of inter-disciplinary / inter-departmental courses /training across all the Programmes offered by the College during the year.
1.2.2 – Number of students enrolled in subject-related Certificate/ Diploma / Add-on courses as against the total number of students during the year
1.3.1 – The Institution integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to gender, environment and sustainability, human values, health determinants, Right to Health and emerging demographic issues and Professional Ethics into the Curriculum as prescribed by the University / respective regulative councils
1.3.2 – Number of value-added courses offered during the year that impart transferable and life skills
1.3.3 – Number of students enrolled in the value-added courses during the year
1.3.4 – Number of students undertaking field visits/Clinical / industry internships/research projects/industry visits/community postings (data for the academic year)
1.4.1 – Mechanism is in place for obtaining structured feedback on curricula/syllabi from various stakeholders
1) Students
2) Teachers
3) Employers
4) Alumni
5) Professionals
1.4.2 – Feedback on curricula and syllabi obtained froms take holders is processed in terms of: Options (Opt any one that is applicable):
1) Feedback collected, analyzed and action taken on feedback besides such documents made available on the institutional website
2) Feedback collected, analyzed and action has been taken
3) Feedback collected unanalyzed
4) Feedback collected E. Feedback not collected